LOW VOLT SYSTEM 安心・安全・ローコストで様々な現場に対応

The benefits of the Low Volt system

  • その1 施工も安全で簡単
  • その2 ブレーカーが落ちず安心
  • その3 庭の成長に柔軟に対応
  • その4 電気資格は不要
  • その5 時間とコスト削減
  • No special electrical installation tools required and easy to use
    Safe to touch without any risk of electric shock

    ローボルトシステム ローボルトの電気工事 簡単施工
  • In case of electrical leakage, there is no impact on the indoor space as the transformer is switched off.

    ローボルトシステム ブレーカーが落ちず安心 漏電が起こってもトランスがOFFになり室内には影響が出ず安心
  • Easy to relocate or replace the fixture as the cable and connections can be directly embedded in the soil. Flexibly adjusts to the ever changing situation of your garden.

    ローボルトシステム コード・結線部は土にそのまま埋めてOK 移動や交換も簡単 日々変化する庭にも柔軟に対応します
  • Converted to low voltage by transformer.
    The safe voltage permits installation by non-qualified electricians.

    ローボルトシステム ローボルトの電気工事 電気工事資格を持っていない方でも施工が可能
  • Smooth installation without requiring qualifications,
    saving construction time and cost

    ローボルトシステム ローボルトの電気工事 工事時間とコストが削減可能

The system is suitable for installation
in both general houses and facilities

Our Low Volt systems are suitable for a wide range of sites, with 12V Low Volt systems for small-scale sites such as residential buildings, and 24V Low Volt systems for large-scale sites such as facilities


For Large-scale area

Capable of wiring over long distances

For 24V low volt systems, since the voltage drop is smaller,
the wiring distance is approximately six times further than that of 12V low volt systems


Effective to utilise 24V transformers for larger sites

For 12V systems, increasing the number of branches and large numbers of cables
were required to prevent voltage drops due to long-distance cable routing on large scale sites
With 24V and 24VS systems, it is possible to reduce the voltage drop,
which means less branches and more simple wiring, which also reduces costs.


Differences in using 24VS and 24V systems


Diagram of the low volt system

Examples of products pick up in the Low Volt system

1Consider layout of lighting

Decide where ‘light’ is needed based on the lifestyles of the residents and the style of the garden. There are two types of lighting to consider which are purpose lighting and performance lighting, and it is useful to refer to lighting techniques and illuminance distribution diagrams

2Selecting a transformer

When installing with low volt lights, it requires a transformer for converting 100V AC to low volt. Depending on the total power consumption of the goods used, select a low volt transformer based on 70% of the maximum tolerable wattage of the transformer.

According to the total capacity and wiring distance, either 12V or 24V is selected

3Consider wiring

Decide on the arrangement of the lighting cables. According to the number of wattage used in each wiring line, the available distance of the cord also depends on the number of wattage.

See the chart of voltage drop

4Selecting accessories

Accessories required for this plan

  • LEIDUS low volt transformer 35W


  • Junction Box


  • Junction Box


  • Dryconn®


  • Gardenscape cord

    Length required

  • Connector


  • Connector


  • Coupling


  • Normal bend


  • Electric wire protection tube

    Length required

Low Volt®︎ Planner Pro

*For 12V only

Upload a drawing to make product and cable arrangement intuitive!

No need to calculate voltage drops! Easy to pick up accessories automatically! This planning website automatically picks up accessories and estimates them, in consideration of voltage drop and wattage.

  • Automatic determination of voltage drop
  • Automatic pick-up of accessories
  • Enables creation of wiring drawings with floor plans
  • Quotation generated with a one-click process

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  • Inquiries by phone

    Reception hours: Weekdays 08:30-17:00