About our 1-year warranty

You can use our system comfortably with our 1-year warranty. When there is a problem with our products, we will replace the LED bulb or the LED module for the LED replaceable products. As for LED non-replaceable products, we will repair the lighting parts including the light source. Every repair will be free of charge. We will provide a replacement for non-repairable items. *Applies only for defective products recognized by the company.



Products covered by the warranty

Low Volt (12V/24V) lights, 100V lights, Solar lights, Low Volt transformers (excluding some products) will be covered by a 1-year warranty from the date of installing. Applies for defective products recognized by the company. The covered products are the following.


  • ローボルトライト

    Low Volt lights

  • 100Vライト

    100V lights

  • ソーラーライト

    Solar lights

  • ローボルトトランス

    Low Volt transformer

Warranty Information

The replacement and repairment will be carried out in the following procedure


3年保証の流れ 3年保証の流れ

➊ The contractor will submit a warranty card to the owner with the customer(owner)'s name, conductor's name and the completion date. The owner must keep the warranty card. ❷ If the owner finds a defect in our product, they must contact the contractor. (the warranty card is required) ➌ The contractor will conduct a field survey and check the cause of the defect. ➍ The conductor will report to Takasho (the warranty card must be attached) ➎ After a careful examination, the contractor and Takasho will conduct another filed survey. ➏ Upon confirming the problem, we will decide how to respond to the defect. ❼ If the product is deemed defective and covered under our warranty, the replacement parts/products will be arranged and delivered. ➑ The conductor will carry out the re-installment.

Our Products & Construction Examples





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    Reception hours: Weekdays 08:30-17:00